Farrarian Tales

We the People of Farrar Hall at Western Baptist College write this journal and log so that in the future, not only will we remember, but also that the outside world will know just exactly how insane we are.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2/27/00 Sunday

Bob attained the 7th level in Marble Madness.
He is elated.
Later, Bill and Bob got to level 57 on Bubble Bobble, time restraints and sore hands, as well as pilot error forced them to stop.
Bob and Jeff ate homemade donuts.
Bob was startled by the sight of two people in a chair so entwined in each other, he thought they were one person.
Bill consumed many sausages. They functioned to their full capacity. Bill does not look forward to the sausage's digestion and consequent greesy poop.
Bob peed to the tunes of "I done ya' wrong, I hope he does ya' right."
12:40 a.m., February 28th:

8 are currently visible in room 308.
As Derek would say, "That's just gross!"
Bob and Bill go to bed to the soothing tune of a K6-2 processor fan and the blinking lights of Bill's hard drive and CD-ROM. A copy of X-Wing Alliance is being made.
Bill and Bob contemplate skipping morning classes to beat Bubble Bobble.
Bil feels like a bloated chicken wearing thermal underwear.
Bob had a fight with his blankie and lost.


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