Forces under Bill and Wallenchuck engaged the ants near Room 308 this morning. Later that afternoon, Bob held off an attack. As of this date, no Farrarians have been lost, while the ants' losses are in the hundreds.
Thier lifeliess carcasses littler the hall floor.
Yet they will never give up. They will fight to their last unit.
More howler monkey sounds were heard around 1:35 p.m. today.
Strange tribal like screams and yells were heard in the bathroom.
Strange singing was heard a little later.
Chimpanzee-like screams were heard in the hall.
The war for Farrar continues. More ant fatalities.
Bill unleashes what is hoped will be a deadly new weapon in the war against the ants.
The ant walks into the feeding station, gets the bait and takes it back to the colony where it is fed to the queen. The queen dies. One after another the other ants will die and the colony will move away.
Bob thought Rosalea was being anal about her gas.
As Bill falls asleep he mutters, "It's too late. And I can't do anything about it. It's too late." (this is at 1:07 a.m. and Bill knows he is getting up at 6:45 a.m. tomorrow morning).
"Bob thought Rosalea was being anal about her gas."
how hilarious...anal...gas. That is perfect.
I wonder what happened to her, she ws pretty neat. I know she hit some hard stuff and probably didn't get enough love...hmmm.
I have seen her name come up on FB sometimes, but other than that I dunno.
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