Farrarian Tales

We the People of Farrar Hall at Western Baptist College write this journal and log so that in the future, not only will we remember, but also that the outside world will know just exactly how insane we are.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Friday/Saturday Nov. 19th/20th, 1999. 12:45 am

Isaiah left Big One #2 in stall #3
Tyson doesn't think it is human and thinks he could get a government grant to study him.
Jeff wandered aimlessly about the hall in a towel.
Duck was startled by the sight of Bob with a cumberbun on his bare chest.
Bill updates his quote page (finally)
Day #2 going to day #3 of Bill's computer being ungameable.
A phone call was made by Andy the RA from stall #4
Bob played guitar in nothing but a cumberbun and pants
Bill slept through 4 classes and almost Bunco.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It's Coming!

The Adventures of Room 308 will start soon...