Farrarian Tales

We the People of Farrar Hall at Western Baptist College write this journal and log so that in the future, not only will we remember, but also that the outside world will know just exactly how insane we are.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Quote Of The Day

"Do you need help?"
"Yup. I dropped the remote, there's a gun on the ottoman and I need a quilt."
-Typical night at Bob's house.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

November 29th, 1999, Monday

Having decided to skip World Thought, Bill was sleeping in, but in a dream he was warned by Desere that he needed to go.
He went and got 5 free points for a very easy quiz.
3 testimonies were shared and there was some good singing at a dorm meeting.
Bob, finding out that Timberline is open spreads the good news. Tina and Randy want to go Saturday. Come snow, come!
Day #9 of Bill's computer being ungameable.
Bob is once again unable to help Joan of Arc because of another commitment
5 Iron Frenzy echoed in the halls, but the Pants could not be found. Bob's watch is missing too.
Bill performed intricate surgery on the Sega-to-T.V. converter to no avail. He has a meeting with Armstrong tomorrow.
Bill, while trying to research for Psychology falls asleep under his desk clutching his guitar. He wakes up babbling unintelligibly.
Bill fell asleep eating spaghetti ***flashback**** Bill fell asleep eating Top Ramen today ***flashback****
The air conditioner is still on. It's been on since early September.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Nov 28th Sunday

Arrived back from Thanksgiving break.
Bob failed to find the sacred Nintendo at his house.
Bill was sad.
Bill acquired a Commodore 64 monitor to play the Nintendo that Bob couldn’t find for 10 bucks and a bag of peanut butter M&M’s.
Bill did bring a Sega but the connection was wrong and Radio Shack was closed.
Bob found out he had an underlying anger problem stemming from his sense of injustice in our society.
Bill wanted to eat cookie dough, but Bob wasn’t in the right mindset – Bill fell asleep on the floor – again.
Bill, having lost his Bible Lit II notebook, cried about losing all the quotes in it.
Bob was decimated again by a girl at Worms.
Day 8 of Bill’s computer being ungameable – the natives are becoming restless.
Bob was unable to help Joan of Arc because the computer wouldn’t cooperate.
Jeff distracted Bill’s conversation with Krista (on the phone) with a full moon. Deja veu? The matter was settled by a wrestling match in which Jeff was placed in a submission hold.
Wild screaming was heard in the hall around 10:00pm.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Quotes O' The Day

"It takes a long time to get light in Alaska because it moves slowly"
-An anonymous person overheard in Red Robin
"Umm...it'd be crawling up Canada's butt by now!"
-Karen's response

Dr. Derickson quote o' the day:
"Greek is like language."

More to come......

Sunday Nov. 21st

Jeff and Bob played like psychopaths in a hailstorm.
Isaiah Fischer was heard screaming, "I'm a Muslim! I'm a Muslim!" in the hall while Tyson filmed Andy and Josh killing each other.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Nov 20th 1:50am Saturday

Bob consumes 112% of his RDA of fat in one sandwich and a spoonful of cookiedough.
Bob beat Bill at Worms after they had three draw games.
Bob and Wallace were beaten at Worms by girls. Revenge is sworn.