Farrarian Tales

We the People of Farrar Hall at Western Baptist College write this journal and log so that in the future, not only will we remember, but also that the outside world will know just exactly how insane we are.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

2/26/00 Saturday

Crazy Dave lost his oil slick.
Star Wars - A New Hope was watched.
Bill was married for an hour, just at the mall.
He also had platonic flapping resulting from a geothermic, gaseous upwelling that was brought on by an ultimate country fried steak with sausage gravy.
Wally finally ventured into Farrar (Sherry's brother). He was arrested for reckless driving and endangerment.
Bill cracked his marble, while earlier Bob was able to reach the furthest into Marble Madness Farrar has ever seen: level 6, into the third area, where the crow-like creatures appear and smash your marble.
The Super Leatherman-that-had-been-mysteriously-left-in-room-308's owner may have been found.
Ray Stevens was played in the bathroom. Fred was a good dog.
Shasta was consumed in large quantities.
Joe boxed with himself.
Bob played in puddles from the rain that has been falling constantly for two days.
Bill utters complete nonsense, saying, "Bob's tsunami is still anticipating hitting the shore." Then he finds the "Shogo: Mobile Armor Division" box. All it contains is a dead bug.
As he looks under the bed he utters, "There's just nasty under there."
2:15 am and counting.
At 2:27 am, Bob and Bill decide to change their phone message.

Friday, October 10, 2008

2/23/00 Wednesday

Mischief is afoot in Farrar.
Andy and Ben came in panting and dirty.
The sound of someone whacking someone else and, "ahhhh ahhhh, leave me alone!" is heard in the hall.
A Taco Bell run was made.
Bill had "The Itch"
Bill learned how to get rid of crazy Dave. He took off his pants and Dave left.
Toy Story II was watched.
Bob pushed the Turks into the sea.