Arrived back from Thanksgiving break.
Bob failed to find the sacred Nintendo at his house.
Bill was sad.
Bill acquired a Commodore 64 monitor to play the Nintendo that Bob couldn’t find for 10 bucks and a bag of peanut butter M&M’s.
Bill did bring a Sega but the connection was wrong and Radio Shack was closed.
Bob found out he had an underlying anger problem stemming from his sense of injustice in our society.
Bill wanted to eat cookie dough, but Bob wasn’t in the right mindset – Bill fell asleep on the floor – again.
Bill, having lost his Bible Lit II notebook, cried about losing all the quotes in it.
Bob was decimated again by a girl at Worms.
Day 8 of Bill’s computer being ungameable – the natives are becoming restless.
Bob was unable to help Joan of Arc because the computer wouldn’t cooperate.
Jeff distracted Bill’s conversation with Krista (on the phone) with a full moon. Deja veu? The matter was settled by a wrestling match in which Jeff was placed in a submission hold.
Wild screaming was heard in the hall around 10:00pm.