Farrarian Tales

We the People of Farrar Hall at Western Baptist College write this journal and log so that in the future, not only will we remember, but also that the outside world will know just exactly how insane we are.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


The alarm went off at 8:00am. Bill got up, turned it off and went back to bed. He remembers nothing.
The dorm was filled with stuff as people rearranged rooms
A 9 iron was used to hit a dry erase marker around - divits were replaced.
A Taco Bell run was made at 11:47 pm - they were out of Chalupas.
Bob and Bill came up with the last ever Bible Lit study blasphemies. Only they know what they mean and to try explain one here would exceed the pages in this notebook and cause some weak in the faith to stumble.
The last Worms game of the millennium was played. It was close, but Bob won the set 2-0. Bill vowed to beat Bob in the next millennium.
Bill found his Bible Lit notes, most importantly the quotes in it, since the class is over. He reminisces with it.
Day #26 of Bill's ungammable computer. What computer? A significant contribution was made to the fulfillment of the prophecies concerning the Messianic computer. A check was received in the amount of $150.00 to Bob.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Bill and Jeff came screaming into Bill and Bob's room at 8:50. They were elated that the World Thought final was over. Bob refused to let Jeff get into bed with him.
The three went to Goodwill where Bill found a Nintendo for 12 dollars. And we thought there was a lot of sin in here before...! Later Bill bought 8 more games for it.
15 or so pizzas were consumed in Farrar tonight.
Bob was finally beaten at NFL Football '94 -Seattle 26, San Diego 31. He had to use one of the worst teams and only lost because of a fumble as time ran out.
Toy Story was watched by Bob, Bill, and other non-Farrarians.
Jeff disappeared for most of the night.
Bill's Nintendo is fickle.
Day #25 of Bill's computer being ungammable. The natives have now lost all hope and have moved on to other things. There is talk of a Messiah coming in Jan. It has been prophesied that he will come bearing a virgin computer that will be gammable all the time and never crash.
Bill consumed 2 liters of Pepsi from 10 pm until 1:30 am, but is unable to get Rad Racer to work. Strike that - 15 minutes of pushing, pulling, blowing and praying pays off.
Bill found out how realistic the spinouts are.
Randy was informed that his egg went off and Scott wanted to scream but it was quiet hours.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

December 11th

Bill attempted to do homework on the floor. Sleep overcame him from 3 something to 4 something. Reflection is sketchy.
Bob left to ski at 1:30 pm. Wallenchuck and Mudge were playing on the computer, and had been doing so since noon. Bob returned at 1:00am. Wallenchuck and Mudge were in the same position.
Bill picked up his Star Wars cards.
Strange utterances were heard eminating from the bathroom. Something about cow's udders and tootsie rolls.
While Russ was in the shower at the time, he claims he was meditating on the floor and had no part in it.
It is 1:42 am and everyone is awake.
Bob stinks.
While on thier ski excursion, well, coming back from it, a stop was made at Taco Bell in Sandy OR at 11:40 pm.
Not an English speaking person was found and a hole was discovered in the Bardchs' muffler. In the end we did get our Chalupa and "sheeps."

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Dec. 10th Friday

Bill for the past two nights was on Sabbatical to a far away land. Well, he was in PVG doing a maze, then mice in a maze and sometime Friday morning - estimates say 3 to 4 am, Bill became He-Man, god incarnate. Well, maybe just the master of his own universe.
Today was the last regular class day of the millennium, including our last Bible Lit. class. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth, and three attendance sheets somehow were made.
A few days ago Bob beat Steven 106 to 41 at NFL Football '94.
Cromer's section went bowling last night instead of doing homework. After 4 games the alley closed and we were forced back to the dorm.
The hall was dead tonight.
Bill pushed and popped his matrices.
There is an air of excitement and anticipation in the hall, for we are going to Mt. Hood tomorrow.
Amazingly, Bob and Bill will be going to sleep and waking up at the same time and we will sleep until we are rested.
Bob left the dorm at around 7:00pm. Wallenchuck and Mudge were staring at Wallenchuck's computer. Now at 1:19 am they are in the same position playing the same game.
Can anyone say addiction?